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Coping with pet loss

Coping with Pet Loss: Understanding the Grief

Losing a much loved pet can be such a truly painful experience. Pets often become adored members of our families, offering companionship, unconditional love, and comfort. When they leave us, the grief can be intense and overwhelming. In this blog, we’ll explore the unique aspects of pet loss, the emotions that accompany it, and ways to find healing during this difficult time.

The Unique Bond with Pets

Pets hold a special place in our hearts and lives. They are our loyal friends, our playmates, and our confidants. The bond we share with them is often uncomplicated and filled with pure affection. This deep connection can make their loss incredibly challenging for us.

Common Emotions Experienced with Pet Loss

Grieving the loss of a pet can evoke a wide range of emotions, similar to those experienced after the loss of a human loved one. Understanding these feelings can help normalise the experience and provide a foundation for healing.

  1. Intense Sadness: The immediate and overwhelming sorrow that follows the loss of a pet can feel all-consuming. It’s natural to mourn the absence of their physical presence and the routines you shared.

  2. Guilt: You might experience guilt, questioning whether you did enough for your pet or if there was something more you could have done to prevent their death. It’s important to remember that these feelings are common and often unfounded.

  3. Anger: Anger can surface, directed at yourself, the circumstances, or even at the vet. Acknowledging this anger and finding healthy ways to express it is crucial for healing.

  4. Loneliness: The loss of a pet can lead to a profound sense of loneliness. Their absence can create a void in your daily life, making even simple activities feel empty.

  5. Relief: Especially if your pet was suffering from a prolonged illness, you might feel relief that they are no longer in pain. This emotion is normal and does not diminish your love for them.

  6. Denial and Disbelief: Initially, you may find it hard to accept that your pet is gone. This stage can include feeling numb or disconnected from reality.

The Process of Grieving a Pet

Grieving the loss of a pet is a deeply personal process. There’s no right or wrong way to grieve, and everyone’s journey will look different. Here are some steps to help navigate this challenging time:

  1. Acknowledge Your Grief: Recognise that your grief is valid and significant. Give yourself permission to feel and express your emotions.

  2. Create a Memorial: Honouring your pet with a memorial can provide a sense of closure and a way to celebrate their life. This could be a photo album, a piece of art, or a special ceremony.

  3. Reach Out for Support: Talk to friends, family, or support groups who understand the connection between humans and pets. Sharing your feelings with others can be incredibly comforting.

  4. Engage in Self-Care: Take care of your physical and emotional needs during this time. Exercise, eat well, and engage in activities that bring you comfort.

  5. Consider Professional Help: If your grief feels overwhelming, seeking support from a grief coach or therapist who specialises in pet loss can provide invaluable guidance.

  6. Allow Time for Healing: Grieving is not a linear process, and it takes time. Be patient with yourself and allow your emotions to evolve naturally.

How Positive Psychology Can Help

Positive psychology can offer tools to help navigate the grief associated with pet loss. This approach focuses on building resilience, finding meaning, and fostering a sense of well-being despite the pain.

  1. Practice Gratitude: Reflect on the positive memories and the joy your pet brought into your life. Keeping a gratitude journal can help shift focus from the loss to the love shared.

  2. Mindfulness and Meditation: Engage in mindfulness practices to stay present and manage overwhelming emotions. Meditation can provide a sense of calm and clarity.

  3. Engage in Positive Activities: Find activities that bring joy and fulfilment, helping to create new, positive experiences in your life.

  4. Reconnect with Nature: Spending time in nature can be healing. It reminds us of the cycles of life and can provide a sense of peace and perspective.


Losing a pet is a heartbreaking experience, but it’s also evidence of the deep bond you shared. As you navigate this difficult time, remember that your grief is valid, and healing is possible. By acknowledging your emotions, seeking support, and incorporating positive psychology practices, you can honour your pet’s memory and find a path forward.

If you’re struggling with the loss of a pet, consider reaching out for support. Grief coaching can provide personalised guidance and compassionate support to help you through your grief journey.

Contact me today to learn more about how I can assist you in finding healing and peace.


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